Now people be sure of the moods, if you’re planning to
attend a party, an event or a function cause, A new ‘mood judging’ software
developed by an Indian origin scientist can pick out the happiest snaps from a
wedding or help you choose gleeful photos for your Facebook profile. The
software by Abhinav Dhall at the Australian National University in Canberra and
colleagues analyses all the faces in a photo to give the shot an overall “mood
The team used face tracking software to analyse the smiles
of the faces in a group by noting the positions of nine spots on the face such
as the corners of the mouth and eyes.
A machine learning
algorithm, trained on photos that had been pre labelled by humans, used this
data to give each face a smile intensity score, ‘New Scientist’ reported.
The team also programmed the system to incorporate
information from volunteers, who assessed how important the intensity of any
individual’s smile was to the overall mood score of a photo. Those who were
standing near the center of a picture were given a stronger weighting, for
example, while partially obscured faces were less influential.
When asked to gauge a photo’s happiness level, the system
only deviated from the opinion of a human by about 7 percent. Scientist said the aim
is to be able to assess the mood of a group from single shot. "If the mood
score goes down over the time, we can assume that the group are getting angry.
It could also be used to view albums on Facebook by arranging photos so the
happiest ones are shown first, for example," said the ‘New Scientist’
The software was presented at the Conference on Multimedia
Retrieval in Dallas, Texas, last week.
Also a new app for Smartphone’s Tablets lets users see the
path a painting took from sketches to completion, from any angle. Repentir, the
free app developed by researchers in UK’s Newcastle University and Northumbria
University, works with only one painting so far. It can reveal the history of “Transamerica,”
a painting by artist Nathan Walsh. However, the developers believe the
technology could soon be applied to many new paintings, and maybe even old
ones, LiveScience reported. “What you could do is take the actual imagery art
historians have been making of old paintings and actually use the app as a way
to reveal them,” said Jonathan Hook, a professor at Newcastle University.