

Summer is focused a high temperature of heat in our country. In particular give utmost care to the elders and children in your home as these people are at a higher risk of suffering from such heat related health problems. Do not neglect to follow these simple safety measures to protect you from the severe summer for enjoying a cool summer.
The first thing to keep in mind is to increase the intake of water from the beginning of summer so as to keep the body hydrated as much as possible.
Also increase the intake of fresh juices particularly lime juice which not only keeps the body hydrated but also helps in boosting the energy levels in the body.
Keep consuming cool items like buttermilk, flavored milk, lassi, watermelon, lime juice, china grass, coconut water, musk melon, cucumber and the like which help in keeping the body hydrated and cool as well.
When you go out in the sun always keep yourself protected from directly getting exposed to the sun by either wearing a hear gear like cap or carry an umbrella always with you
Always make it a habit to use anti-glare sunglasses when you happen to go out in the summer.
In summer get use to wearing light colour cotton clothes as these do not absorb much heat from the surroundings.
When you go out in the sun, always carry a water bottle or a juice bottle and buttermilk as well along with you and keep drinking it very often at small gaps though you are not feeling thirsty.
Eat simple yet nutritious and easily digestible food. Compulsorily include a salad of fresh fruits / vegetables in your daily diet.
Always try to keep your place cool as possible by closing all the door and window curtains. A dark room gives much cooling affect than a bright room, Keep enough of ice cubes and ice packs at home in handy so that you can use it immediately at the time of urgency. Keep more plants / potted plants in and around your house as this will help in keeping the atmosphere clean and cool as well and also helps in releasing fresh oxygenated air. Avoid going out in the sun without a proper protection like a hat, umbrella or sunglasses.
Never directly expose yourself to the sun particular in the noon when the sun rays are direct. Avoid consuming alcoholic beverages and also avoid too much of consumption of coffee, tea and soft drinks as well. Such drinks further dehydrate the body instead of hydrating. Hence reduce the consumption of such drinks that dehydrate the body. Do not consume too spicy food and fast foods which act as enhancers for body heat. Avoid taking heavy consumption of food.
Some of the common signs and symptoms of heat stroke are:
Dry skin with hot flushes, At times rapid heartbeat, very less urination due to loss of water from the body, Nausea and vomiting, Convulsions some times, Confusion, very less sweating, fatigue, delirium or even loss of consciousness, short breathe,
And an increase in the body temperature to nearly 105 degrees Centigrade. Heat strokes may occur to a person all of sudden and in such a case immediate medical assistance should be given the person to save his / her life.