

If weight gain ends up being a significant issue, work to resolve that with a healthy plan, not another pill. Communication with your doctor is primary and together you can come up with a solution that will work best for you.
If a woman is healthy but thin, we give supplements and put her on a high calorie diet. Most medications to gain weight are steroids, which are taken as a last resort in certain medical conditions. PRACTIN is an anti-allergic, which stimulates appetite. It shouldn’t be taken just for weight gain. These so called weight gain medicines cause salt and water retention, leading to bloating. It makes people gain weight faster.
Steroid based medicines can cause blood pressure, cataract, liver cancer, heart problems, osteoporosis and infertility. Even if prescribed they have to be monitor and blood tests done on a weekly basis. The weight gain pills, sold furtively over the counter and mostly without prescription, can cause severe complication in pregnant women and their unborn babies.  Drug Control of India doesn’t approve any weight gaining pills in allopathy.
A south Delhi chemist says women ask for these medicines without a doctor’s prescription. As these pills are cheap, women take them indiscriminately he says. Shafi-ur Rahman, who works with a hospital in Kolkata’s Park Circus. He was shocked that his wife had taken his jokes regarding her weight seriously. “One day, when I noticed she was literally bloating, I asked her about it and she told me about these tablets. Now, she often falls ill.” Sarita, a frail looking 22 year old from Kolkata, India says “Even if I drink a bottle of pure ghee every day, I’ll not gain weight. And men don’t like skinny women.” She recently started taking Practin, an antihistamine. After my neighbour took this tablet for two months, she gained weight, my mother-in-law advised me to take it too.
Otherwise known as ‘the pill’, can be a serious source of undesirable side effects. While this type of gaining pills have created too many health issues for many women over the years, it also presents some horrible side effects. Certain steroids taken for muscle gain also cause unhealthy weight gain. Please note that not all medications used to treat these conditions cause weight gain.

Doctors like: Dr Ambrish Mithal former President of the Endo-crine Society of India.
                         Dr Sanjeev Bagai, Consultant Paediatrician and Nephrologists.
                         Dr K K Agarwal, National Vice-President-elect, Indian Medical Association.
                         Dr Shashank Joshi Mumbai based Endocrinologist.
These Doctor Say, Don’t Ignore Health Hazards of Weight-Gain Pills.